How An X-Ray Inspection System Can Raise Your Bottom Line

Red Meat
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When x-ray inspection systems are discussed within the realm of meat processing, people’s minds often jump to detecting unwanted contaminants like bone and metal. While x-ray technology is an excellent solution for hygienically inspecting food products of all kinds for foreign bodies, it has another unique application in the red meat processing industry that adds just as much value.

If you were to look at a package of ground meat in the supermarket, each unit will indicate the fat content somewhere on the label. Generally, the leaner the meat is, the higher the cost- but have you ever thought about how exactly the fat content of that package is determined and verified?

To ensure that consumers get what they pay for and that meat suppliers can maximize their profits (and abide by regulations), accurate fat analysis is a must. One way that slaughterhouses and meat processors verify the composition of their products is with- you guessed it- x-ray inspection. This advanced tool is helping meat processors not only in detecting foreign objects but also in verifying fat content with unmatched precision, leading to leaner operations and a healthier bottom line.

The Value of Product Standardization

In the meat processing industry, it is critical for suppliers to know exactly what they’re putting out, not just from a safety standpoint but from a quality standpoint. Imagine getting two burgers from the same restaurant that are supposed to be the same, but taste wildly different. That lack of standardization is bound to impact your perception of the restaurant. Neither of the burgers may necessarily be ‘bad’, but if they don’t chew quite the same or hold the same depth of flavor, that little voice in your head will be telling you that something’s off and to beware.

It’s the same for meat suppliers, who often deliver to restaurants or frozen food processing facilities. Those companies rely on their supplier to deliver a product that is consistent with what was ordered every time. There’s a certain expectation to be met, and achieving that can be much easier said than done.

At Eagle, our leading technology makes it easy to deliver the right product every time. Speak with one of our food QA experts to learn more about our robust x-ray inspection systems today. CONTACT US >>>

Quality Assurance and Control for Meat Processors

In the meat industry, processors walk a fine line between transparency and profitability. With one false step in the wrong direction, the resulting ripple in the supply chain could be catastrophic.

By providing accurate fat analysis data on meat products at different stages, meat processors can enjoy numerous benefits. By leveraging advanced imaging technology like Eagle’s Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry-or DEXA, for short- they can establish themselves as a trusted supplier of guaranteed quality red meats.

Want to learn more about DEXA technology? Click to download our free white paper on CL measurement in the meat industry. Get the White Paper Here >>>

DEXA Technology for Red Meat Inspection
Inline Fat Analysis

The Shift From Core Sampling to Inline Inspection

While inline x-ray inspection may be our specialty, it’s not the only method to test and report on fat analysis content of a batch of meat. For decades, core sampling has been standard practice across the industry. The idea behind core sampling is easy to follow: a few random samples are taken from a cut of meat, then those samples are analyzed, and the average value of those samples is assigned to the meat. However, this method is painstakingly time consuming, unhygienic, and leaves much room for error in real world applications. The samples may randomly be taken from the leanest parts of a relatively fatty cut, or vice versa, leaving too much up to chance.

Inline fat analysis has become favored across the meat industry for many reasons, but it all boils down to superior efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. Inline inspection eliminates physical contact with the product, in favor of hygienic conveyor belts and an advanced x-ray inspection system. This method increases processing speeds and overall cleanliness. It also allows for continuous operation of the production line, which further boosts throughput and efficiency.

What Sets Eagle’s Inline X-Ray Inspection Systems Apart?

Our Experience

There are a few different inline x-ray inspection systems that are tailored to meet the needs of meat processors across the globe, but none can hold a candle to Eagle when it comes to experience. Our DEXA technology got it roots in the demanding medical industry as a way to better detect abnormalities in x-ray imaging. Since 2006, we’ve spent every year dedicated to maximizing our technology’s effectiveness in food inspection applications, with that medical grade quality as our foundation. That’s why our x-ray inspection systems, like the FA3/M, are capable of detecting the most accurate chemical lean (CL) value possible on today’s market, within just ±1CL.

Our Technology

Not only is our system extremely capable, it’s also just as flexible to provide the exact inspection you need. Better yet, it’s easy to use, too. Each of our machines is equipped with a familiar touch screen HMI that is fully definable. Users can choose from a selection of standard detection algorithms or define their own for maximum process efficiency and effective fat analysis. If you need to switch gears to a different desired fat content, no worries. Users can employ the same machine for different scenarios for ultimate adaptability.

One Meat Processor’s Real Life Results

One Eagle customer reported astounding results after running their x-ray inspection system within their first year of purchase. In just three months they had entirely recuperated their return on investment. And compared to their old food inspection equipment, their new system increased their speed of operations by 40%.

Ready to see what an x-ray inspection system can do for you?

Book a complimentary product test today, and we’ll show you just what our product-and yours-is made of.

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